When you bid for properties, your level of priority will be determined by your Housing Needs Band (A, B or C) and the date you joined the Register.

Due to the very high demand for social rented housing in Haringey, almost all of it will be offered to applicants in Housing Needs Bands A and B.

Therefore, we strongly urge applicants in Band C to visit our housing options page or call 020 8489 1000 for further advice.

The new Housing Allocations Policy will place applicants for housing in a Band from A to C.

  • Band A is for those applicants who have the most urgent or critical housing need

  • Band B is for those applicants who have a high priority housing need

  • Band C is for those applicants who have an identified housing need

To join the Register please visit Haringey Council’s Housing Register page.

A separate housing register and banding system is in place for those in need of supported housing.



1. Applicants who need to move urgently because of a critical medical or welfare need, including emergencies.

2. Applicants who, at the discretion of Haringey Council, need to move urgently because there are critical safeguarding circumstances.

3. Tenants of Haringey Council or Registered Partners who have been approved for an emergency management transfer because of harassment, domestic violence or hate crime, including cases agreed through reciprocal arrangements with other local authorities.

4. Haringey Council tenants and Registered Partner tenants living in Haringey who are under-occupying a family home and are willing to transfer to a home that has fewer bedrooms.

5. Haringey Council tenants and Registered Partner tenants living in Haringey who are occupying a specially-adapted home and are willing to transfer to a home that is more appropriate to their needs.

6. Applicants who have a right of succession to a Council tenancy or in favour of whom Haringey Council has exercised its discretion to offer a tenancy to those not entitled to succeed but who are under-occupying their accommodation (or occupying a specially-adapted home) and whom the Council requires to move to somewhere smaller and/or more appropriate to their needs.

7. Haringey Council tenants and Registered Partner tenants living in Haringey who require extensive disabled facilities that can be provided more appropriately in alternative accommodation.

8. Applicants who are in severe need and have been accepted for rehousing, by Haringey Council, under the homelessness legislation.

9. Haringey Council tenants and Registered Provider tenants living in Haringey who need to be permanently decanted in order to enable essential repairs or redevelopment to be carried out, or as part of a regeneration scheme in Haringey.

10. Applicants who are required to leave their homes as a result of a prohibition order served by Haringey Council or London Fire Brigade in relation to the premises.

11. Applicants (including young care leavers, those leaving the Armed Forces and people leaving hospital, residential care and supported housing) who are nominated for move-on accommodation by named agencies in accordance with an agreed nominations agreement that includes specific quotas.

12. Retiring service tenants who are living in Council accommodation and for whom Haringey Council has a contractual obligation to provide accommodation.

13. Situations where it is in the overriding interests of Haringey Council to prioritise an allocation of housing to a particular household and/or it is necessary to fulfil an urgent statutory or legal duty.

14. Applicants (except homeless households for whom Haringey Council has accepted a rehousing duty) who have two or more needs in Band B.



1. Applicants who need to move because they have been assessed as having a serious medical or welfare need.

2. Haringey Council tenants and Registered Partner tenants living in Haringey who are severely overcrowded and have at least two rooms less than the number of rooms to which they would be entitled to under Haringey’s Housing Allocations Policy. This includes reception rooms that could reasonably be used as bedrooms.

3. Adult (aged over 25) members of the households of Haringey Council and Registered Partner tenants living in Haringey who require single person accommodation, and where the household is severely overcrowded and has at least two rooms less than the number of rooms to which they would be entitled under Haringey’s Allocations Policy. This includes reception rooms that could reasonably be used as bedrooms.

4. Applicants for whom Haringey Council has accepted a full rehousing duty under the homelessness legislation.

5. Applicants who need to move to a particular locality in the borough, where failure to meet that need would cause hardship to themselves or to others.

6. Applicants living in accommodation for which an improvement notice has been served, or is about to be served, by Haringey Council in relation to the applicant’s dwelling and the Council has determined that the dwelling must be vacated because the remedies that are needed to reduce the hazard will require the property to be vacated for a significant period of time or will make the property unsuitable for occupation by the applicant.

7. Applicants with 4 or more needs in Housing Needs Band C.

8. Applicants who, at the discretion of Haringey Council, need to move urgently because there are serious safeguarding circumstances.



1. Applicants who need to move because they have been assessed as having a moderate medical or welfare need.

2. Haringey Council tenants and partner housing association tenants living in Haringey who are overcrowded because they have one bedroom less than the number of bedrooms to which they would normally be entitled under Haringey’s Housing Allocations Policy.

3. Applicants who are homeless but either have not yet an assessment of priority need or have been assessed by Haringey Council within the previous 12 months as having no right to rehousing under the homelessness legislation because they are not in priority need.

4. Applicants who are homeless but have been assessed within the previous 12 months by the council as having no right to rehousing under the homelessness legislation because they are considered to have become homeless intentionally, and have not been resident in settled accommodation.

5. Applicants who are threatened with homelessness, have been assessed by the council as being owed the duty arising under s195(2) of the Housing Act 1996 (‘the prevention duty’), and the council has not brought that duty to an end

6. Applicants who are homeless and do not fall within any other category

7. Applicants who have no fixed abode.

8. Applicants who Haringey Council has placed in specialist or supported accommodation, or applicants (including young care leavers and people leaving hospital, residential care and supported housing), and require move-on from that accommodation.

9. Protected tenants and tenants of tied accommodation who have been served with a valid notice to quit and Haringey Council is satisfied that they have little or no prospect of successfully defending the possession proceedings.

10. Applicants who are severely overcrowded and living in private rented (including non-partner housing association) accommodation in Haringey.

11. Applicants living in accommodation for which a hazard awareness notice has been served, by Haringey Council in relation to a Category 1 or 2 hazard in the applicant’s dwelling and the remedies needed to reduce the hazard will require the property to be vacated for a significant period of time or will make the property unsuitable for occupation by the applicant.

12. Applicants living in accommodation lacking permanent facilities or sharing facilities with others not included on their application.

The full version of Haringey’s Allocation Policy can be found on Haringey Council’s website: https://www.haringey.gov.uk/housing/housing-strategies-policies-and-plans/housing-allocations-policy#revised2018